BCSI is a national umbrella body that brings together businesses in the services sector in Barbados. We are the sole business support organization in Barbados that is dedicated to representing the interests of service providers and the services sector. Our members include companies, trade associations and professional associations.
We represent a broad array of Barbados entities that provide services domestically and internationally, including but not limited to, digital trade and technology, telecommunications, media and entertainment, express delivery and logistics, retail and wholesale services, banking, insurance, and other services.
The BCSI works with our members to shape domestic and regional economic policies on behalf of the services sector. Our goals include:
- assisting in the development of domestic regulations to enhance the competitiveness of Barbados’ services sector,
- enhancing bilateral services trading relationships,
- reducing barriers to services trade with our trading partners, and
- opening opportunities for our members wherever possible.
The BCSI was established in 2002 to help our member organisations manage the challenges faced by service sector organisations in Barbados. Our main goal is to help our members grow and develop effectively to be able to access local and export business opportunities. We aim to work to build a strong national business sector for the service industries to create an environment within which our members will thrive.
Our objectives include:
- To facilitate and promote the development and competitiveness of the national services sector;
- To support and facilitate the development of service industry standards across the sectors;
- To represent the interests of the national services sector, including lobbying the Government and key strategic partners, and promoting fair multilateral rules for trade in services.
- To provide Barbados service providers with knowledge of export opportunities;
- To identify and exploit local, regional and export market opportunities;
- To educate the applicable service providers on relevant aspects of trade agreements that affect trade in services;
- To encourage national service providers to engage in developing export programmes and promotional activities through collaboration locally, regionally and internationally
A strong services sector is important for the growth and development of the national economy. The development of the services sector is an important element of the Government’s overall drive to develop the ‘non-tourism’ services sector. The BCSI serves to influence and assist in trade negotiations, strengthen the local private sector to face the challenges and opportunities arising from decisions taken at the WTO, the CSME and other trading arrangements which directly and indirectly impact the service sector.
Our objectives and activities focus on four distinct pillars:
- Education and Awareness
- Advocacy and Lobbying
- Export and Marketing Opportunities
- Industry Standards and Regulations